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We don’t charge any subscription fees, this site is FREE to use. If you want to be notified whenever we post a new deal, there are several options. You can Join our Telegram for instant notifications, follow our Bluesky / Mastodon / Twitter / Instagram / Facebook accounts, or you can sign up for e-mail notifications by entering in your e-mail at the bottom of this page.

  1. Join our Telegram Channel. This is the fastest, most reliable way to get notified when new deals are found. It pushes all our notifications straight to your phone. You’ll need to install the Telegram App, and then join our broadcast channel.
  2. Follow us on bluesky: (New York / Chicago & Milwaukee / Los Angeles / Seattle / Portland / Denver / Phoenix / Atlanta). This is the second fastest way to get our notifications. No ads, no algorithm, and the platform has a working blocklist. It’s similar to twitter, but without all the bloat.
  3. Follow us on Mastodon.Social. This is basically just like Twitter, but with no ads in your feed, no algorithm that puts people you don’t follow into your feed, and no ridiculous usage limit. As for speed, it’s about as fast as Telegram. Be sure to turn on notifications if you want to know the instant when a fare goes on sale.
  4. Follow us on Twitter: (New York / Chicago & Milwaukee / Los Angeles / Seattle / Portland / Denver / Phoenix / Atlanta). This is the third fastest. You’ll need to Follow our Twitter account and turn on notifications.
  5. Follow us on Instagram: (New York / Chicago & Milwaukee / Los Angeles / Seattle / Portland / Denver / Phoenix / Atlanta). This is also pretty fast. You’ll need to turn on notifications to receive all of our posts in your feed.
  6. Follow us on Facebook: (New York / Chicago & Milwaukee / Los Angeles / Seattle / Portland / Denver / Phoenix / Atlanta). Facebook won’t show you all of our posts or notifications unless you also “Like” the page, change the “Follow Settings” to “Favorite”, and then change the “Post Notifications” to “Standard”. By far, Facebook is the worst social media platform to receive our notifications on due to the extra steps involved.
  7. Join our E-Mail notification list (enter your e-mail below). This is the slowest way, but is still pretty reliable. Deals may take up to an hour before arriving in your Inbox, but you should receive all of our deals unless your spam filter blocks it. You can join our E-mail list by entering your e-mail below and selecting the cities you want deal notifications from. You’ll also need to add “” to your contacts or “safe senders” list, otherwise the e-mail will usually get blocked by your e-mail provider’s spam filter.